Advanced customer profiles in Customer Insights

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights & Power Platform will transform your customer relationship

The reach of electronic means of interpersonal communication has skyrocketed in recent years. It has not escaped business communication between customers and the companies selling them their products/services. Most people buy products, communicate with friends, and report the events of their lives through a variety of digital devices and applications.

The new Dynamics 365 Customer Insights module allows you to create an integrated customer profile, which, based on the transactional and behavioral activity manifested by the customer in online activities, will provide an excellent basis for establishing and maintaining personalized contact with them (below is an example of the profile described).

Always up-to-date and contextual insight into each customer available in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights can be used not only in sales or marketing modules but also in operational modules. The layout and type of information made available in customer profiles will be more customizable than ever before.

Additionally, customer profiles will be able to be enriched with input from artificial intelligence, which, for example, will prioritize contact with potential customers according to sales opportunities. These chances will be calculated on the basis of algorithms taking into account, among other things, the behavior of groups of customers with similar characteristics.

We will inform you systematically about the details of the new solution.

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